Students Discount

For all those who have already participated in an EWEI project will have the opportunity to take advantage of 20% off upon sending the certificate of participation in the previous program.

For all those who have already participated in a previous  Associazione Diplomatici project will have the opportunity to take advantage of 20% off upon sending the certificate of participation in the previous program.

Students currently enrolled in or recently graduated* from Koç University can take part at: – Model EU Brussels program with a reduced fee of €220 Moreover, students can enjoy a special fee of €10,50 (30% off full fee) for the annual subscription to the digital version of eastwest magazine in English.
For Link Campus students currently enrolled in or recently graduated* from Link Campus University can take advantage of a 20% discount on all short-term courses delivered by Eastwest European Institute. Whereas, recent graduates interested in II-level Master’s Program in International Relations aimed at the preparation of the candidates for the Italian public selection for diplomatic carrier (concorso diplomatico) can enjoy a 15% off the EWEI tuition fee. Moreover, students can enjoy a 30% off the annual subscription fee to the digital or paper version of eastwest magazine; digital version (EN or IT) €10,50; paper version (IT) €27,30 (shipment in Italy)/ €44,10 (shipment abroad). For Eastwest students is available 20% off the Link Campus University courses. To take advantage of this opportunity you have to contact: [email protected].
Students currently enrolled in or recently graduated* from Luiss “Guido Carli” University can take advantage of a 20% discount on all short-term courses and 15% off Virtual Model EU (November, 2022) delivered by Eastwest European Institute. Moreover, Luiss students enrolled in Bachelor’s degree programs or Single-cycle programs can ask for the recognition of 4 ECTS through participation in Model EU or Study Missions. The credits can be included as  “additional activities” in their study plans. Moreover, students can enjoy a 30% off the annual subscription fee to the digital or paper version of eastwest magazine; digital version (EN or IT) €10,50; paper version (IT) €27,30 (shipment in Italy)/ €44,10 (shipment abroad).

Students currently enrolled in or recently graduated* from the University of Rome “Roma Tre” can take advantage of a 20% discount on all short-term courses delivered by Eastwest European Institute. 

Moreover, students can enjoy a 30% off the annual subscription fee to the digital or paper version of eastwest magazine; digital version (EN or IT) €10,50; paper version (IT) €27,30 (shipment in Italy)/ €44,10 (shipment abroad). 

Corsi in lingua italiana

Per tutti coloro che hanno partecipato ai progetti di Eastwest European Institute, è possibile usufruire di uno sconto del 10% sulle iscrizioni per il Master in Scrittura Creativa dell’Accademia Molly Bloom in partenza ad ottobre 2022. Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere alla seguente casella email: [email protected]

Challenge Network è un’azienda leader nel settore della formazione, con sede principale a Roma. L’azienda offre formazione professionale programmata in base alle richieste di profili professionali e finalizzata all’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro attraverso un’attenta analisi del fabbisogno formativo nazionale in collaborazione con le Agenzie per il Lavoro.

Grazie alla nostra partnership, offriamo ai partecipanti dei corsi EWEI la possibilità di accedere ad una via preferenziale durante il processo di selezione ai vari corsi formativi proposti dall’azienda. La lista dei corsi è disponibile al seguente link:  E’ possibile inviare la propria candidatura compilando il form: e inviando poi un’email all’indirizzo [email protected], scrivendo nell’oggetto: CONV_EWEI e indicando nel testo dell’email il corso di proprio interesse.

I corsi sono riservati agli inoccupati residenti in Italia.

* Recently graduated: within 18 months from the graduation.