




Corso di preparazione al Concorso per la carriera diplomatica 2020


Didattica innovativa






Pensato per giovani laureati, laureandi o professionisti che vogliono prepararsi al concorso diplomatico, il corso offre la straordinaria opportunità di poterlo seguire in distance learning senza spostarsi dalla propria sede di residenza.

Il programma didattico, svolto da docenti con pluriennale esperienza nell’insegnamento delle materie oggetto di concorso, segue le indicazioni del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e prevede, oltre alle lezioni in webinar, 3 simulazioni delle prove scritte in tutte e cinque le materie del concorso, allenamento costante volto al superamento delle prove attitudinali di preselezione e numerosi seminari incentrati sull’attualità internazionale.

Il Corso inizia l’ 11 maggio 2020 e termina a marzo 2021 (in base alla data di pubblicazione del bando di concorso) ed è articolato in due fasi:

  • 400 ore di lezioni erogate tramite webinar (12 ore settimanali, dal lunedì al venerdì)
  • ultime tre settimane da trascorrere a Roma, con incontri presso i palazzi delle istituzioni o nella sede dell’Istituto

Le lezioni che si svolgono in distance learning, tramite una piattaforma dedicata, permettono la frequenza da remoto senza però incidere sulla qualità del rapporto con i docenti e di una tutorship attenta alle esigenze degli studenti.

Tutte le lezioni saranno registrate e potranno essere riviste per tutta la durata del corso, accedendo al nostro cloud, in modo da garantire un’adeguata assimilazione dei loro contenuti o permettere a coloro che lavorano di non perdere i corsi.

La seconda e ultima fase del percorso didattico si svolgerà, invece, a Roma, con incontri presso i palazzi delle istituzioni o nella sede dell’Istituto dove i partecipanti incontreranno i docenti per approfondimenti e lezioni interdisciplinari; seguiranno un corso di gestione dello stress; affronteranno l’ultima delle 3 simulazioni di concorso previste e seguiranno seminari e conferenze su temi di attualità internazionale tenuti da diplomatici in servizio attivo e massimi esperti, tra i quali i membri del Comitato Scientifico del nostro Istituto.

  • Storia delle relazioni internazionali a partire dal Congresso di Vienna;
  • Diritto internazionale pubblico e dell’Unione europea;
  • Politica economica e cooperazione economica, commerciale e finanziaria multilaterale;
  • Lingua inglese;
  • una seconda lingua straniera a scelta tra francese, spagnolo e tedesco;
  • Seminari, tavole rotonde su temi di attualità internazionale;
  • Lezioni interdisciplinari (economia-storia-diritto) su temi definiti;
  • Tecniche di gestione dello stress.

Il Corso di preparazione è rivolto a laureati e laureandi che conseguiranno il titolo entro la data di presentazione della domanda di partecipazione al Concorso, in una delle classi di Laurea previste dal regolamento di ammissione al concorso del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (www.esteri.it).

Per accedere al corso non sono previste prove di preselezione.

La domanda di partecipazione deve essere inviata a [email protected], entro e non oltre il 20 aprile 2020 compilando il Modulo di adesione.

Nel caso di iscrizioni pervenute dopo la scadenza e previa autorizzazione della Direzione, sarà possibile seguire il corso versando la quota piena.

The involvement in and understanding of politics is what secures democracy. Therefore, to be involved in a program such as the MEU that the EWEI-Institute provided, was a great way for me to learn about the procedures, tools and skills that are used and needed in contemporary political decision-making. Although I had no thorough understanding of the assignment beforehand, the modelation proved to be a great opportunity to take a look into the actual procedures of the European Parliament. Being assigned the role of a Member of the Parliament allowed me to experience the challenge of defining your ideals, arguing for that position and eventually deciding on how to cooperate with others - as I got to know these aspects, I now feel confident about expressing, presenting and defending my political opinion in front of other professionals. If you are interested in politics, but are afraid of what seems to be so complicated; Don’t hesitate! A MEU is the best way to prepare yourself for actual political involvement and debates, whilst being surrounded and accompanied by lovely, likely-minded students and post-graduates. In conclusion I would say that MEU not only gave me a deeper knowledge about politics, but also the possibility to connect with young europeans, establishing a network of support and learning through each other’s experiences. After all, at the moment of participating, I was only a high-school student, which made it even greater, to get to learn and know how I can, now and in the future, help to secure democracy.

Participating in Model EU Brussels has been a life-changing experience for me. As a law student I have always been really interested in European Institutions and European politics. This model was the best possible way to gather first-hand knowledge on the institutions and politics within the European Union. Not only did I learn more about EU, but, most importantly, I learned that while participating. Model EU was the perfect combination of lectures and real-life practicing. Attending some very detailed and useful lectures was followed by participating in a decision-making body. That unique experience has been a landmark in my life. Reflecting back on it I feel really happy I was part of something so interesting, so knowledge and experience enriching, while I got the chance to meet so many nice and interesting people whom I now count as friends. I would wholeheartedly recommend joining Model EU to anyone interested in European Law and politics.

Being part of this thrilling experience gave me a great deal of fun and personal growth. Having a background as a law student, this Model was for me a chance to deepen my knowledge of EU institutions and, most importantly, a glimpse of what negotiations and political debates are about. At first, I was scared to not fit the situation as my colleagues were much more prepared to face this kind of experience than I was. Thanks to them and my colleague George, I built ever-increasing confidence that made me eventually succeed to represent the Republic of Bulgaria within the Council of the EU. Regardless of what background you have or what role you will play, there is always a margin of personal development, especially if you work closely with your team. A great experience I would definitely recommend!

During MEU Brussels, I had a great time with many different students from across Europe and beyond. This conference with its unique focus on EU policy making really taught me about the challenges that we are facing - internally and externally. Reading about how the EU functions and putting theoretic knowledge to practice during this conference taught me a lot. There are only few opportunities like MEU Brussels where we are gathering to develop public speaking skills, a deep understanding of European politics and the craft of negotiating in one setting, under one theme. Apart from learning and deepening my skills in the aforementioned field, I made many new connections. This conference has left a lasting impression on me and it will help me to foster my future career options.

Participating in the Model EU - Bruxelles organized by EWEI and Associazione Diplomatici has been an unforgettable experience. A simulation of the parliamentary work of the European Union may sound like something for insiders, but it has really been an opportunity to challenge ourselves, to discover our attitudes and abilities surrounded by talented and knowledgeable people, and to see what making decisions and facing conflicting opinions really mean. The possibility to engage in this fields while being in one one the great European capitals and following the steps and advice of real experts has been priceless and really formative. And doing it with almost 200 people from all over Europe of such high stature has made this a truly inspiring and stimulating experience, urging me to give my best and live up to the level I’ve seen before me. I’d highly recommend this course to anyone looking to work in politics and diplomacy, but also to all those who believe in the European project and want to see the EU thrive.

Model EU Brussels gave me more than I had anticipated. Thanks to the comprehensive preparatory course, I learnt much about China-EU relations. When I was signing up, I expected to meet like-minded or inspiring people from around Europe and learn about the procedures of the trilogue. But already on the first day, I realised that I was participating in something that not only was very educational but at the same time simply fun. It was an opportunity for me to train speaking to a large audience and learn how to act on behalf of people/politicians with who I might disagree. It was a unique experience, and I recommend it to all young people who strive towards a career in politics, activism, public relations, geopolitics, etc.

Conseguono l’attestato i partecipanti che avranno seguito l’85% delle lezioni, abbiano sostenuto tutte le prove d’esame previste e superato la simulazione di prova finale di concorso, che si terrà a Roma.

Al termine del Corso, agli studenti interessati verrà offerta l’opportunità di stage formativi presso le rappresentanze diplomatiche e consolari del Ministero degli Affari Esteri.

La quota di iscrizione è di 4.950€ (I.V.A. inclusa) 

Per la possibilità di pagamenti rateali, contattare la segreteria corso dalle 9.30 alle 14.30


La quota di iscrizione comprende il pernottamento durante le tre settimane di corso a Roma.

In caso di rinuncia o di ritiro, le quote di iscrizione non saranno rimborsate.




Inizio lezioni: 11 maggio 2020

Marzo 2021: lezioni/incontri frontali a Roma


Segreteria Corso
Tel: +39 06 99330213
e-mail: [email protected]